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We want you to be prepared and comfortable and ready when choosing a puppy.


New puppy information and FAQ


For the trip home  you/the family can hold your puppy on your lap (take along an old blanket or towel), or bring along his travel crate if you are coming alone. You will also receive their blanket with siblings scent on it. Once you are home, give your pup a chance to potty and offer him food and water.( If you have a long drive, bring water and bowl with you) You will also need to bring a collar or small harness (We Prefer harness rather than collar for puppies) a leash if you are traveling long distances, baby wipes, towels, etc. for possible car sickness. Bring your payment balance and you will receive all necessary paper work in a folder prepared for you.


Once home,  bond with your puppy so plenty of cuddling and play are great.

If you do plan to crate train. This is a personal choice. Research different ways of housetraining before making a final decision.  Dogs avoid going to the bathroom near their eating and sleeping areas, so they will by instinct try to keep their den (crate) clean.  If you are interacting with him, he could stay out of his crate as long as you like.  When he has to potty he will start to circle and sniff looking for a place to potty.  You will quickly pick up on his body language and can take him outside (through the same door to the same spot in the yard).  If you are not going to be watching him, put him in his crate.  A rule of thumb for time in the crate is one hour per month of age for a puppy.  So, he should not be left in the crate more than about 2 hours at this point.  He can hold it longer than that, but we don’t want him to have to get in the habit of holding it for a long time, especially as you are beginning his potty training.  Give him plenty of opportunities to potty and if he has been in the crate for a while be sure he has a chance to run and play before he is crated again.  Do not leave the crate any larger than this as then a puppy will be more likely to think one corner of the big crate is his potty and the other corner is his den/bed/clean area.  


If you are meeting us in Jackson, TN, Memphis, TN Nashville, TN , Tupelo MS or North AL. We will text you with exact meeting place and time. We try our best to help and accommodate as we can. You are welcome to pick up at our home at our convenience. Please confirm the day before pickup or meeting so a puppy doesn't have to make an unnecessary trip if you have changed your mind. Also let me know what your will be driving. This is greatly appreciated !



Your puppy will be eating Purina Puppy chow and Alaskan Salmon oil on each feeding, if you plan to change you can mix it with the dog food you plan to use. For feeding, he is used to eating at about 7:00 in the morning and again in the evening around 5 to 6:00pm.  Offer him food (1/2-1 cup plus 2 tbsp. warm water and a squirt of salmon oil  ) per feeding putting his bowl down for 20 minutes and then taking it up again.  If he doesn’t eat anything for that feeding, just wait until his next meal to offer him food again.  He should eat twice a day.  If you would like to feed him three times a day that is okay too, just adjust the amounts accordingly.  A puppy usually needs to potty about 5 to 20 minutes after a meal so watch him closely for a potty break after he eats.  Try to be consistent about what time each day he is fed as a puppy who eats on a schedule also potties on a schedule.  Leave water available for him all the time, (except for when he’s in the crate) taking it up a couple hours before bedtime. Safe chew toys are also recommended for new pups !


For training at home (the most important kind of training), watch videos or purchase a good training book.  Just a few minutes each day spent in fun interaction and training with your puppy will reap lifelong benefits.   While we recommend taking obedience classes as a continued socialization experience for the puppy, as the dog’s owner you are by far the best equipped person to train your puppy.  By learning how to interact with your puppy, and understanding how a dog’s mind works, potential behavior problems will be avoided.  Help your puppy understand what his boundaries are through training.  A well mannered puppy is one who will be loved by everyone and welcome anywhere! Below are several good links for new puppy information.






Other Great Links for new Puppy information-










1.  Are our dogs registered ? What clubs do we belong to ?

All of our GSP's are AKC registered and some are DNA tested. Some of our dogs have national champions in their pedigree. We are members of AKC, CKC and German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America.


2. Do you offer full registration on new puppies ?

Yes, all puppies come with AKC full rights


3.  What is your current price on GSP puppies? 

Email or text for pricing or see our AKC marketplace. Also prices are  more for older pups that have been obedience trained or started hunting.


4. Do your dogs hunt and do you offer training?

Some do, some don't, it will say along with their picture when they are posted with puppies available. So sorry, we no longer offer any obedience or starter training. We may in the future but at this time we are no longer offer training.


5. Do you microchip your dogs ?

No, we do not microchip our puppies and suggest that you wait until your puppy is mostly finished growing (at least 6 months). Microchips given at young ages are much more prone to migrate. If your dog should get lost and his/her microchip has migrated down under their neck , whoever checks your dog for a microchip will probably not find it.


6. Are your puppies socialized ?

  • 0-3 weeks — The puppies are maternally socialized.  This simply means they are cared for and taught by their mother.  Human contact is limited to healthcare and frequent but short contacts.

  • 3-6 weeks — The puppies are imprinted to human contact with petting and light play as well as continued training from their mother.

  • 6-8 weeks — The puppies spend time meeting different aged humans (primarily our grand

  • children))

  • We take pride in producing a well adjusted, well socialized puppy. We take specific steps to ensure that when you take your puppy home at 8 weeks you will have the most well adapted puppy possible.

  • ​

7. What are the colors of GSP's ?

See the AKC chart below for coloring. We also have black & white patched and ticked puppies in some of our litters.


8. How do I purchase a puppy from you ?

  • Email to be put on our waiting list, we will let you know when we have a litter born and when we will post information to our website. Our Policy remains NO DEPOSITS until individual puppy pictures are posted. Deposits are in no particular order, we will text all on our contact list and then deposits are accepted.

  • Once the litter has been born all applicants for that litter will be notified and then notified again when individual pics have been posted and we are accepting deposits.

  • Deposits are not taken until puppy pictures are posted on the website.  Once the puppies reach 4-5 weeks of age, you will then be asked to choose which puppy from the litter you want. . When you pick up your puppy you will pay your balance in full.

  • REPEAT>>>$100 deposits are not taken until the puppy pictures have been posted on the website @ 4-5 weeks old. This is due to their extreme color change from birth. We prefer to wait because we want people to be happy with their choice of puppy, including color and what personality traits we see at the time of picking. Of course, we can only tell you what we have observed at this age and ticking will become more defined and prominent. After you have paid your deposit to hold, your puppy will be marked reserved by you. A PUPPY is not yours until deposit is paid, this is our policy.

  • We will stay in communication with you once you have reserved your puppy. We will send updates, videos, update pics on the website and other general information will be texted to you !

  • Communication is key to us !!

  • We will guide you as best we can to ensure that you get the puppy that best suits your family's lifestyle.

  • Deposits are accepted in person in cash or personal check if local, or by PayPal only.

  • We do not offer shipping any longer....we will meet as we can but no shipping.

  • We are not required to accept a deposit from you, so please do not send money without confirming with us that a particular puppy is available. We will text those chosen from our contact lists when puppies are available. We do however, love working with families that are ready for a gsp in their life !


9. How can we contact you ?

We have a contact form on our website and also on AKC marketplace. You can also email, text or call and we will contact you back within 24 hours if your correspondence is received. We have lived with various breeds of dogs our entire lives and all our dogs are extended members of our family.  When we bought our first GSP, we absolutely fell in love with this breed and knew we would never breed any other breeds again. We hope you enjoy our web site and if you're looking to add a new member to your family we hope you'll email or call us!"


10. Are you puppies vaccinated?

 Please read over our health guarantee page. Yes puppies are vaccinated and dewormed up to date.

Any other questions, please feel free to email, text or call and we will get back with our within 24 hours.



11.  Will my puppy be house trained ?

Training is started  but there will be more to do.  Around 5 weeks the puppies will  have a specific spot to potty, to sleep and play and weaning will begin by around 5 1/2 weeks slowly, moms usually begin weaning on their own.  After first vaccination they will begin using a doggy door to  specific area only for them to potty.

We have clients tell us their puppies are doing great within a week, others will take longer.  Often due to the the difference in training  among owners. We do our best to give them a great start !

Gsps are incredibly intelligent and have a strong desire to please you .




12. Can I visit and pick a puppy out in person ?

Many don't realize there are countless things to consider as a breeder of home raised puppies. The dangers of exposing young puppies to communicable disease is very serious and can be detrimental to a breeding program and the welfare of our dogs. Visitors can (of course unknowingly) bring diseases onto the property on their feet, hands etc.

Once puppies have had their  first vaccinations, you may choose a puppy if any are still available in person by appointment only .


The health and well being of our pups and dogs are our ultimate concern.

  • All visitors will choose on our front porch, weather permitting.

  • Wear clothes that have not to be in contact with other animals on the same day of your visit.

  • Please do not visit our home if you have been visiting a farm, shelter, pet store or vet clinic.

  • No other dogs are permitted to visit and visitors are only allowed to visit with puppies still available or their puppy that has a deposit on it only.

  • We have lives and family outside of puppies, so please be considerate of our schedules, our time, and the safety of our dogs.



Additional questions, feel free to send and

I -( Samantha) will be in touch very soon !






" Be the person your dog thinks you are" c.j.frick












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